Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Haircut

It's been about a month now, but one of these pictures in particular is just so classic Byron that I had to share!!  Can you guess which one?! 
Yes, of course, it's the infamous frown...

But then he was fine with it and actually did a really good job of sitting still

 All done and a happy boy (who no longer had the curly locks of a girl - daddy was very happy about that one!)


Anne said...

Such a happy little guy...and I love the look in that first picture. It's the "What do you think you're doing??!!" look :)

Jerry and Carolyn said...

That "look" one second and a big smile the next.He is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Love the look!! Crackes me up every time! Miss you guys!

Alicia said...

Is the frown really his signature look? Cuz I love it!! It's such a cute look, made me laugh!