Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Sweet Boys

February has been a busy month!!!

Last weekend we celebrated Jeremy & May's marriage, and the boys' outfits were a hit! Everyone thought they looked adorable, which of course they did. :)

Byron turned 10 months old yesterday... can you believe it?!

He is cruising around everywhere, but doesn't like when we try to "walk him" - he will just sit right down and refuse to go any farther!

And my big boy Anthony turned 4!

He had a dinosaur-themed birthday party and enjoyed it very much. Thank you to everyone who came and shared in it!
This kid is super smart... just got his progress report yesterday and he is doing amazing. His teachers are so impressed with his reading skills already! Go Anthony!

I have to share his quote from this morning. We were talking about a girl in his class....

"Mom, it's Ally. She's a girl at my new school. She doesn't have a penis like me. Just a bottom, like you."

Died laughing for about 5 minutes... he kept asking me what was so funny...

what's next!?


Holly said...

LMAO! oh wow! that is TOO funny! great pix of the boys at the reception. wish we couldve maade it.

Alicia said...


Anonymous said...

Adorable boys!!! Can't believe how the time flys! Anthony is adorable, very perceptive.

Jerry and Carolyn said...

Love them........